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Need a New Job?

Resume, Interview and Job agencies to help you get that perfect job


Earn your High School Equivalency Certificate

If you left school early and are 16-24 year old, this program can get you back on track.  Education to Careers Program, Southwestern IL College, Aysha FLowers, 618-874-8771,

If you don't meet their criteria, please contact our Help Line and SVDP will see how we can help you get your GED.

Education to Careers INFO
Graduation Handshake

How to Build a Resume

Tips and outline for an awesome resume

The attached document has tips and outline on how to build a great resume.  It is from Ken Coleman who has a podcast and website dedicated in helping people find their perfect job and it all starts with a great resume.  Keep your resume one page maximum.  Fill in all of the details of your qualifications at your interview.

Taking Note

How to prepare for the interview

Step by step guide to win at the interview

Your resume and contacts have gotten you in the door for an interview.  The attached guide from Ken Coleman ( will help you be prepared to have a successful interview and hopefully a job offer.  Read all the steps, do your homework on the company and look your best.  Be sure to ask questions and be ON TIME (10 min early is on time!).

Job Interview

Employment Agencies

Call and ask for help finding employment

Express Employment - 618-288-8011

HireLevel                      - 618-655-1212

Staff Quick                   - 618-659-0400

Robert Half                  - 314-925-0462


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Giving a Presentation

Madison County Employment and Training

For all residents regardless of income level

Madison County Employment and Training (618-296-4445, 101 E. Edwardsville Road, Wood River, IL 62095)


â–ª Bi-monthly job search workshops

â–ª Connection to services offered by Illinois workNet, including job listings, resources for laid-off workers, apprenticeship opportunities, career counseling and training

â–ª Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act federal grant funds for eligible students and prospective students interested in vocational training or college and are in need of financial aid

â–ª Specific programs for adult workers with disabilities, criminal records or who receive public assistance

â–ª Funded training for dislocated workers and transitioning military personnel

â–ª In-school and out-of-school work experience programs geared toward youth ages 18 to 24

â–ª Assistance for workers displaced because of foreign trade

â–ª Career specialists who can help with career transition planning

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St. Clair County Workforce Development Group 

618-277-3090, 4519 West Main St., Belleville, IL 62223


â–ª Job search and placement assistance, labor market information, training provider performance and training cost information

â–ª Connection to apprenticeship programs, including U.S. Department of Labor-funded Registered Apprenticeship Programs offering classroom training, on-the-job training, work mentorship, progressive wages and national occupational credentials

â–ª Access to resources through the Workforce Investment Act, which helps both job seekers and workers hoping to go further in their careers

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